Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


At the Festival Savremene Žene held from June 8th to 11th, where Verlab Institute organized a panel discussion on the topic "Women in the World of Artificial Intelligence: Pushing Boundaries". The panel was moderated by Nikolina Brajović, co-founder of B Solutions in Montenegro, and the participants were Jasmina Alihodžić, a professor at the Faculty of Law in Tuzla, Lejla Banjanović-Mehmedović, a professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Tuzla, and Emina Mrđanović, a Senior expert associate at the Verlab Institute. Katerina Lamprakopoulou, a communication expert from Greece representing the SMART4ALL network, also addressed the audience online.

The Festival Savremen Žene is a unique platform that brings together and celebrates success stories from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region, and even beyond. This festival aims to connect and support women who have achieved success in their respective fields, while inspiring young women in particular to pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. The festival provided an opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas, and sharing experiences. Through various panels, lectures, workshops, and artistic events, the festival created a space for raising awareness about the importance of women's contributions in society, motivating women to take on leadership roles in their spheres of influence.

Na Festivalu Savremene Žene održanom od 8. do 11. juna, u organizaciji Verlab Instituta održana je panel diskusija na temu "Žene u svijetu vještačke inteligencije: Pomicanje granica". Panel je moderirala Nikolina Brajović, suosnivačica B Solutions u Crnoj Gori, a učesnice su bile: Jasmina Alihodžić, profesor na Pravnom fakultetu u Tuzli, Lejla Banjanović - Mehmedović, profesor na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Tuzli, te Emina Mrđanović viši stručni saradnik Verlab instituta. Online se obratila i Katerina Lamprakopoulou, specijalistica za komunikacije, ispred SMART4ALL mreže, Republika Grčka.

Festival Savremene Žene jedinstvena je platforma koja okuplja i slavi sve uspješne priče Bosne i Hercegovine, regije, pa čak i šire. Ovaj festival ima za cilj povezivanje i podržavanje žena koje su postigle uspjehe u svojim oblastima djelovanja, istovremeno nadahnjujući posebno mlade žene da slijede svoje snove i ostvare svoje ciljeve. Festival je bio prilika za međusobno upoznavanje, razmjenu ideja i iskustava. Kroz različite panele, predavanja, radionice i umjetničke događaje, festival je stvario prostor za podizanje svijesti o važnosti ženskog doprinosa u društvu, motivišući žene da preuzmu vodeću ulogu u svojim sferama djelovanja.


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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