Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


At the Verlab Institute, we believe in the power of inclusivity and want to open doors to young people in the world of science and research! 

Our recently concluded competition for this year's VERLAB INTERNSHIP attracted more than 70 talented candidates from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, representing different faculties of natural and technical sciences and various years of study. It is clear evidence that young people yearn for an opportunity to engage in the scientific research community! 

This internship is not just about gaining experience and knowledge, but also about creating an inclusive environment where young researchers and scientists can thrive and develop. 

This internship is not just a step towards personal success, but also towards building a more inclusive scientific community as a whole. Through the Verlab Internship, we are expanding the network of Young Science Ambassadors, and we want young people to feel the support and encouragement to get involved in research that shapes the future. Their perspectives and innovation are crucial for progress in the world of science and technology.

Let us continue to build inclusive science together and provide opportunities to all who want to contribute to research and development!



U Verlab Institutu vjerujemo u snagu inkluzivnosti i želimo otvoriti vrata mladim ljudima u svijetu nauke i istraživanja! 

Naš nedavno završeni konkurs za ovogodišnji VERLAB INTERNSHIP privukao je više od 70 talentiranih kandidata iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, predstavljajući različite fakultete prirodnih i tehničkih nauka te različite godine studija. To je pravi dokaz da mladi ljudi žude za prilikom da se uključe u naučno-istraživačku zajednicu! 

Ova praksa nije samo o sticanju iskustva i znanja, već i o stvaranju inkluzivnog okruženja u kojem mladi istraživači i naučnici mogu rasti i razvijati se. 

Ova praksa nije samo korak ka ličnom uspjehu, već i prema izgradnji inkluzivnije naučne zajednice u cjelini. Kroz Verlab Internship širimo mrežu Mladih ambasadora nauke, i želimo da mladi ljudi osjete podršku i ohrabrenje da se uključe u istraživanja koja oblikuju budućnost. Njihova perspektiva i inovativnost su ključni za napredak u svijetu nauke i tehnologije.

Nastavimo zajedno graditi inkluzivnu nauku i pružiti prilike svima koji žele da doprinesu istraživanju i razvoju!


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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