Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


The aim of the training organized by the Verlab Academy is to provide a high-quality level of information and knowledge, which integrates theoretical foundations and practical experiences. As lecturers, we hire the best experts from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and beyond.

Seminar: Requirements of the standard BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020: 2013 for bodies that carry out inspections (in the function of obligations prescribed by the law)

Date: 31.03.2023.

Place: Sarajevo

Purpose of Training:

The purpose of this seminar is to ensure that participants become familiar with the requirements of the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2013 standard, that is, they understand the purpose of the requirements that inspection bodies must fulfill. Also, the goal is to train participants who are currently conducting preparatory activities related to compliance with the requirements of the standard to prepare their own documentation and prepare for the accreditation and evaluation process. To the participants who are already familiar with the requirements of the standard and/or who already work in accredited inspection bodies, the goal is to eliminate certain doubts, show certain solutions from practice, as well as enable a free exchange of experiences between participants and lecturers.

Method: One-day education

Lecturer: externally engaged associates

Price: 250 KM per participant

The price includes:

  • Lectures/Education (1 day)
  • Electronic presentations/lecturer materials
  • Certificate of participation
  • Refreshments during scheduled breaks

Registration for participation in the seminar is done by filling out the application form that we available on the website and submitting proof of payment (instructions for payment are in the application form).

For any additional information, please contact: +387 33 569 540, +387 61 630 593 or email:

Cilj obuka koje Verlab Akademija organizuje je pružanje visoko kvalitetnog nivoa informacija i znanja, koje integriše teorijske osnove i praktična iskustva. Kao predavače angažujemo najbolje stručnjake  sa teritorije Bosne i Hercegovine i šire.

Seminar: Zahtjevi standarda BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020: 2013 za tijela koja provode inspekciju (u funkciji zakonom propisanih obaveza)

Datum: 31.03.2023.

Mjesto održavanja: Sarajevo

Svrha Obuke:

Svrha ovog seminara je osigurati polaznicima da se upoznaju sa zahtjevima standarda BAS EN ISO/IEC 17020:2013, odnosno razumiju svrhu zahtjeva koje inspekcijska tijela moraju ispunjavati. Također, cilj je polaznike koji trenutno provode pripremne aktivnosti u vezi usklađivanja sa zahtjevima standarda, osposobiti za izradu vlastite dokumentacije i pripreme se za postupak akreditacije i ocjenjivanja. Polaznicima koji su već upoznati sa zahtjevima standarda i/ili koji već rade u akreditovanim inspekcijskim tijelima, cilj je otkloniti određene nedoumice,, pokazati  određena  rješenja  iz  prakse, kao i omogućiti slobodnu   razmjenu   iskustava   polaznika  i predavača.

Način izvođenja: Jednodnevna edukacija

Predavač: eksterno angažovani saradnici

Cijena:  250 KM po učesniku

U cijenu uključeno: 

  • Predavanja/Edukacija (1 dan)
  • Elektronske prezentacije/materijali predavača
  • Certifikat o učešću
  • Osvježenje u predviđenim pauzama

Prijava učešća na seminaru se vrši popunjavanjem prijavnog obrasca koji je dostupan na web stranici i dostavljanjem dokaza o uplati (upute za uplatu se nalaze u prijavnom obrascu).

Za sve dodatne informacije možete se obratiti na kontakt: +387 33 569 540, +387 61 630 593 ili na mail:


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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