In the premises of the Verlab Institute, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Scientific Research Institute Verlab and the organization BRAVO (Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities).
All good stories are similar, therefore the Verlab Institute and the organization BRAVO recognized common values and interests in the desire to create the best possible living conditions for citizens, especially young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The BRAVO organization is guided by the principles of tolerance, democracy, diversity, volunteerism and openness. They promote partnerships between the private sector, public sector and civil society for sustainable community development, advocating for the education of young people with an emphasis on skills needed in the 21st century, investing in entrepreneurship, innovation, non-formal education and sustainable local community development.
The signing of the cooperation agreement opens various opportunities for joint action in the implementation of ERASMUS, Horizon and Interreg projects.
We're looking forward!
U prostorijama Verlab Instituta, upriličeno je potpisivanje sporazuma o saradnji između Naučnoistraživačkog Instituta Verlab i organizacije BRAVO (Bosnian Representative Association for Valuable Opportunities).
Sve dobre priče jedne na druge liče, te su stoga Verlab Institut i organizacija BRAVO prepoznali zajedničke vrijednosti i interese u želji da se kreiraju što bolji uslovi života građana, a najviše mladih ljudi u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Organizacija BRAVO se vodi principima: tolerancije, demokratije, različitosti, volonterizma i otvorenosti. Promoviše partnerstvo između privatnog sektora, javnog sektora i civilnog društva za održivi razvoj zajednice, zalažući se za obrazovanje mladih ljudi s naglaskom na vještine potrebne u 21. stoljeću, ulaganje u poduzetništvo, inovacije, neformalno obrazovanje i razvoj održive lokalne zajednice.
Potpisivanje sporazuma o saradnji otvara razne mogućnosti zajedničkog djelovanja u realizaciji europskih projekata kao što su ERASMUS, Horizon i Interreg projekti.
Radujemo se!