On November 3th, Senior expert associate Ammar Trakić of the Verlab Institute attended the seminar "Circular Economy in Industry".
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina and REIC organized a circular economy (CE) training for small and medium-sized enterprises in the processing sector in BiH. During the training, participants adopted the basic principles of CE, got tools for redesigning the business system, understood the CE model of networking, became familiar with circular opportunities for the processing sector and look at areas of change in relation to waste categories within the product life cycle.
The training was implemented through six modules:
1. Introduction to circular economy
2. Mapping of the existing system
3. Introduction to categories of structural waste
4. System change and circular economy in practice
5. Review of the regional context and strategy creation
Dana 03.11. viši stručni saradnik Ammar Trakić prisustvao je seminaru “Cirkularna ekonomija u industriji”. Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj (EBRD) u saradnji sa Vanjskotrgovinskom komorom Bosne i Hercegovine i REIC-om je organizovala trening o cirkularnoj ekonomiji (CE) namijenjen malim i srednjim preduzećima u prerađivačkom sektoru u BiH. Tokom treninga učesnici su usvojili osnovne principe CE, dobili alate za redizajn poslovnog sistema, razumjeli model umrežavanja po modelu CE, upoznali se s cirkularnim mogućnostima za prerađivački sektor i sagledali oblasti promjena u odnosu na kategorije otpada u okviru životnog ciklusa proizvoda.
Trening se realizovao kroz šest modula:
1. Uvod u cirkularnu ekonomiju
2. Mapiranje postojećeg sistema
3. Uvod u kategorije strukturalnog otpada
4. Promjena sistema i cirkularna ekonomija u praksi
5. Osvrt na regionalni kontekst i kreiranje strategije