Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo



The first training in the field of laboratory quality management systems in accordance with BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 will be held on Friday, November 18, 2022. in the premises of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina starting at 9:00 AM.

The quality management system defines rules and general criteria for production and/or service organizations. Organizations that act in accordance with ISO standards create new business opportunities in a more organized manner, increase customer confidence as they fall into the categories of safe suppliers of products and services, increase competitiveness, reduce costs, create savings and help maintain and improve their position on the market.

The aim of the seminar is to train participants with the requirements of the specified standard in order to be able to create their own documentation of the quality management system, and to successfully implement accreditation and assessment procedures. For participants who are already familiar with the requirements of the standard and/or who already work in accredited laboratories, the goal is to remove certain doubts, provide necessary information about changes compared to the old edition of the standard, show certain solutions from laboratory and assessment practice, as well as enable free exchange experiences of participants and lecturers.

Participation in this seminar is a form of professional training for staff who are subject to evaluation in the accreditation process, and the seminar is intended for:

  • laboratory managers,
  • laboratory staff responsible for meeting technical and management system requirements,
  • laboratory staff involved in the performance of laboratory activities,
  • other personnel employed in laboratories,
  • internal auditors who conduct audits in accordance with the requirements of the BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard,
  • to the representatives of the legislative bodies that carry out laboratory authorization procedures,
  • students of natural and technical sciences,
  • to everyone who is interested in this topic

Participation in the seminar requires a registration fee of 250.00 KM. All interested participants of the aforementioned training can submit their applications by November 7, 2022 via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Prva obuka iz oblasti sistema upravljanja kvalitetom laboratorija u skladu sa BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 se održava u petak, 18.11.2022. godine u prostorijama Olimpijskog komiteta Bosne i Hercegovine sa početkom u 9:00 sati.

Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom definiše pravila i opšte kriterijume za proizvodne i/ili uslužne organizacije. Organizacije koje djeluju u skladu sa ISO standardima organizovanije stvaraju nove poslovne prilike, povećavaju povjerenje kupaca s obzirom da spadaju u kategorije sigurnog dobavljača proizvoda i usluga, povećavaju konkurentnost, smanjuje troškove, stvaraju uštede i pomažu u održavanju i poboljšanju svog položaja na tržištu.

Cilj seminara je obučiti polaznike sa zahtjevima navedenog standarda kako bi bili osposobljeni  da izrade vlastitu dokumentaciju sistema upravljanja kvaliteta, te kako bi uspješno implementirali postupke akreditacije i ocjenjivanja. Polaznicima koji su već upoznati sa zahtjevima standarda i/ili koji već rade u akreditovanim laboratorijama, cilj je otkloniti određene nedoumice, pružiti  potrebne informacije o promjenama u odnosu na staro izdanje standarda, pokazati  određena  rješenja  iz  laboratorijske i ocjeniteljske prakse, kao i omogućiti slobodnu  razmjenu   iskustava   polaznika  i predavača.

Učešće u ovom seminaru je oblik stručnog usavršavanja osoblja koje je predmet ocjenjivanja u postupku akreditacije, a seminar je namijenjen:

  • rukovodiocima laboratorija,
  • osoblju laboratorija koje je odgovorno za ispunjavanje tehničkih zahtjeva i zahtjeva za sistem upravljanja, 
  • osoblju laboratorija koje je uključeno u izvođenje laboratorijskih aktivnosti, 
  • ostalom osoblju zaposlenom u laboratorijima, 
  • internim auditorima koji provode audite u skladu sa zahtjevima standarda BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025,  
  • predstavnicima zakonodavnih tijela koje provode postupke ovlašćivanja laboratorija, 
  • studentima prirodnih i tehničkih nauka, 
  • svima koje zanima ova tema

Za učešće na seminaru predviđena je kotizacija u iznosu od 250,00 KM. Svi zainteresovani učesnici navedene obuke mogu svoje prijave da dostave do 07.11.2022.godine putem e-maila: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

Verlab Institute is certified by ISO 21001

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