Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


From the 27th to 29th of June Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević has visited the Helmholtz-Zentrum München Institute for Artificial Intelligence. This visit was organized by our external associate Prof. Dr. Sanja Damjanović whose remarkable resume has made her a leader in her field. Helmholtz Zentrum München is the German Research Center for Environmental Health. It investigates important common diseases which develop from the interaction of lifestyle, environmental factors and personal genetic background, focusing particularly on diabetes mellitus, allergies and chronic lung diseases. Helmholtz Zentrum München wants to preserve and improve the health of individuals by developing innovative strategies for diagnosis, treatment and prevention. By combining health research and environmental research, we decipher previously unknown connections between genetics, lifestyle and the environment. As the mision and vision of Verlab Institute is in line with Helmholtz Zentrum München, this visit resulted in a prospect for future collaboration.

 Od 27. do 29. juna, Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević je posjetio Helmholtz-Zentrum München institut za vještačku inteligenciju. Ova posjeta je organizovana od strane naše vanjske saradnice, prof. dr. Sanje Damjanović čiji je nevjerovatan karijerni put je učinio liderom u ovom polju. Helmholtz-Zentrum München je njemački istraživački centar za zdravlje okoliša. Bavi se istraživanjem bitnih čestih bolesti koje se razvijaju kao rezultat interakcija između stila života, faktora okoline i genetičkih predispozicija, sa fokusom na diabetes mellitus, alergije i hrnoične plućne bolesti. Helmholtz-Zentrum München želi da sačuva i poboljša zdravlje pojedinaca razvojem inovativnih strategija za dijagnozu, liječenje i prevenciju bolesti. Kombinirajući medicinska istraživanja i istraživanja okoliša, dešifruju se prethodno nepoznate veze između genetike, stila života i okoliša. Kako je misija i vizija Verlab Instituta u skladu sa Helmholtz-Zentrum München,  ova posjeta je rezultirala prospektivnim planovima za buduće saradnje. 


Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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