Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:30 Office Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo


It is our pleasure to announce that our Senior Research Associate Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević has been appointed as one of the members of CED IFMBE Steering board. The IFMBE is the only international professional federation that has a Clinical Engineering Division focusing specifically on the life cycle management of healthcare technology and embracing all those who professionally practice in the clinical engineering field, whether in academic institutions, health care facilities, industry, business, voluntary sector, or government. CED is a global federation of Clinical Engineers and allied professionals dedicated to the advancement of safe and effective medical technology design, deployment and management programs. 

CED Vision Statement:
To become an international forum for developing and promoting of the clinical engineering profession resulting in improvement of global healthcare delivery through the advancement of safe and effective innovation, management and deployment of healthcare technology.

Zadovoljstvo nam je najaviti da je naš Viši Naučni Saradnik Prof. Dr. Almir Badnjević imenovan za člana upravnog odbora CED IFMBE. IFMBE je jedina internacionalna profesionalna federacija koja ima diviziju za klinički inžinjering fokusiranu specifično na menadžment životnog ciklusa tehnologija u zdravstvu, prihvatajući sve koji profesionalno rade u polju kliničkog inžinjeringa, bilo pri akademskim ustanovama, zdravstvenim ustanovama, industriji, volonterskim ili vladinim institucijama. CED je globalna federacija Kliničkih Inžinjera i saradnika posvećenih unaprjeđenju sigurnosti i efikasnosti dizajna, i menadžmenta medicinskih tehnologija. 

Vizija CED:

Postati internacionalni forum za razvoj i promociju profesije kliničkog inžinjeringa rezultirajući u poboljšanju globalnog sistema zdravstvene zaštite kroz poboljšanje sigurnih i efektivnih inovacija u polju menadžmenta i rada sa medicinskim tehnologijama. 



Verlab Research Institute for biomedical engineering, medical devices and artificial intelligence

Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina +387 (33) 56 95 40

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